don't doubt the power of the wh*re
Steve Smith was complaining at Mike Smith's bachelor party that he was the only person that read Nick Manzello's column and he was in freakin' Turkey. So I said don't worry -- I'll hook you up!
So though a series of back door dealing (including help from another Telegram that is kinda related to the family) I was able to secure Steve the headline in this morning's Sports Street.
So though a series of back door dealing (including help from another Telegram that is kinda related to the family) I was able to secure Steve the headline in this morning's Sports Street.
I'd like to clarify the "complaining" adjective Lito used to describe my quest to walk down sports street with big Nick. Having grown up a UGHer, I always looked up to NM as an UGH icon - a real sportwriter (ha!). In my isolated safe houses all over the world, waiting to do what I do (with surgical precision I might add), I often logged on to Nick's electronic sports street (stealing DTrain's address for the free access) anticipating my turn to take the stroll. I mean, how many real sports stars are there left in Worc? But Nick is getting up ther and I appreciate the gentle nudge Lito provided. I have been contacted by my SP buddy Dennis Leary for the film rights now. Outing is a good thing after all. But, if Lito was really good, he would have taken care of Tom (Nappster Fballer, Pierre - anothyer Murphy Cup winner (and much better than B-in-law), Nick - North hockey great (small club), Jeff (VH legend), Smith girls (T Ash softball standouts), etc. That doesn't even taske into consideration the powerhouse Mullan offspring and their accomplishments. Hell, Nick coulda/shoulda dedicated the whole column to the sprawling Smith clan. Gotta go, my shoe is ringging.
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