Friday, September 02, 2005

Media Wh*ore Part Two

first off - the purpose of the BLOG --- a place to document things that would have otherwise slipped off into the delete bucket of email and be gone forever: Such as this email:

"Since I am having trouble pulling away from the unbelievable shots on CNN, I was thinking…
…if you look closely at the Superdome, I am pretty sure you can see a tall guy with a cowboy hat handing out copies of DVDs at the top of the ramp at the east entrance
...did you see the clip of the small Asian woman in a doorway of the French Quarter with the guy next to her drooling and stating something in gibberish that was barely audible?
…I bet you that if Tony was there the cell phones would be working, and everyone would have internet access
…if you fell off a fence in New Orleans today, the landing would be a lot softer than it was in 2002
…do you think it would be ok if I called the Red Cross hotline and asked if they found my wallet?
This is an historic event - with New Orleans forever hereafter being referred to as before and after Katrina. I plan to have a Muffalettta or two over the weekend to toast the City." MullanPublishingTM
The events that led to this blog were
#1 downloading Picassa (highly recommended) for managing my pictures which allows 1 click publishing to the blog
#2 the ability to post with my phone -- so when you see a Styrofoam cooler and it reminds you of something .. you can can snap it on your phone and upload pretty quickly.

As for Steve's complaint it went something like - I am the only person left in the world reading NM and I live in Turkey, won the Murphy cup and I can't get a simple stroll.

As for spreading the wealth --- all of the people mentioned are worthy - but where is my love. I tried out for the Doherty Highlanders in the height of their power without a freakin' helmet (because of the universal prejudice against LGH people - you thought UGH disliked the LGHer's well the WSers (West Siders for the uninitiated) though of all GHer's (and VHer's) as a step up from scum. I went on to score 4 TDs in a game (my Al Bundy moment) and was also was T&G star of the week - yet my career is forgotten and SS is out of the question. Paul Mahassel was the original Wh*re - he had more T&G pictures than he had TDs and to this day he bribes NM for mentions with hats (did you see NM on channel three with his Tri-Star / Poker Stars hat).


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