Wednesday, October 05, 2005

SI Funny

Not sure you saw this in SI. I think that this is really inspirational and I showed Franky last night before bed.
After we got through all the hows and whys ... I figured I would use this boy as a lesson - you know if he can play football with his limitations, you should be able to do "whatever" <fill in the blanks>. So I brought up the first things I could think of as an example - most likely the last thing that I was after Franky to do.
I said to Franky "Franky, what do you think this boy would say to his daddy if his daddy told him to bring his shoes upstairs"
His reply "He would tell his daddy he does not need shoes since he has no legs"

Half the Size, Twice the Man

Bobby Martin
Bobby Martin plays special teams and backup noseguard for Colonel White High of Dayton.
Thomas E. Witte/SI

You think you've seen refs as blind as newborn moles? You think you've seen officials make bizarre calls? You've seen zebras who are as boneheaded as a box of hammers?

Well, you ain't seen blind, bizarre and boneheaded until you've seen this.

It's halftime of a game in Dayton on Sept. 16 -- Colonel White High against Mount Healthy. After Colonel White leaves the locker room, the refs approach the coaches on the sideline. Crew chief Dennis Daly announces, "Number 99 cannot play in this game anymore. He's not wearing shoes, knee pads or thigh pads."

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BTW --- maybe I have a future writing garbage like this --- looks like one of my posts.


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